Competition for innovative Ideas in Healthcare R&D for PhD students and PhD holders working in academia and industry!
Submissions Opened!
Thank you for an overwhelming response for awards, this year. The applications are now closed. Please contact us via email for any further enquiries: awards@arhk.rohto.com
Good luck to all the applicants!
We look forward to seeing your unique and creative "ideas" in areas related to “Health Care” R&D.
The Key Categories for application are;
Any other fields of techniques are also welcome for application.
Eligibility: PhD students and PhD holders from Academia and industries
Submission deadline extended: 30th June 2022 11th July 2022
The shortlisted applicants will be further invited for an interview.
Online Submission: arhkaward.com
Special awards
Following criteria will be used for evaluation:
1. Innovative and uniqueness
2. Feasibility
3. Presentation and efforts
4. Contribution to Science
5. Contribution to Public
6. Commercial value)
Disclaimer: Final judging criteria will be decided by the organizer.
There are exciting awards awaiting you and your creative ideas. APPLY NOW!!